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Vacation in Antartica

Every child likes to listen to stories, and to tell stories too. But the stories by sisters Laura, Tamara, and Marininha do not speak of kings, queens, princes or princesses, though the plot is really charming. They speak of super-special holidays aboard sailboat Parati 2, built by their renowned father Amyr Klink. Here they recall five family expeditions to the Antarctic Continent, where seals, penguins, whales, and many other animals spend their summer. Besides logging all the information on their journey, this book brings about important considerations on nature and how our attitude may reflect upon the entire planet.

Every child likes to listen to stories, and to tell stories too. But the stories by sisters Laura, Tamara, and Marininha do not speak of kings, queens, princes or princesses, though the plot is really charming. They speak of super-special holidays aboard sailboat Parati 2, built by their renowned father Amyr Klink. Here they recall five family expeditions to the Antarctic Continent, where seals, penguins, whales, and many other animals spend their summer. Besides logging all the information on their journey, this book brings about important considerations on nature and how our attitude may reflect upon the entire planet.
Informação Adicional
Autor Laura, Tamara e Marininha Klink
Tradutor Não
Ano de Edição 2023
Editora Peirópolis
ISBN 9786559312344
Ano Não
Origem Não
Formato Não
Encadernação Brochura
Idioma Não
País Não
Páginas 70
Altura 1
Comprimento 25
Largura 23
Peso 0.250

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